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What is Industrial Automation?

A true technological revolution, industrial automation is radically transforming how products are manufactured. Today, nearly all aspects of production are shaped by this technical evolution. In this article, we will dive into the fundamentals of industrial automation, revealing its crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of businesses.

Dans cet article, nous plongerons dans les fondements de l’automatisation industrielle, révélant au passage son rôle crucial dans l’amélioration de l’efficacité et de la compétitivité des entreprises.

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Definition of Industrial Automation

In its simplest form, industrial automation can be described as “a strategic approach aimed at enhancing the efficiency, productivity, and safety of industrial operations by using technologies and computerized systems to automate production and manufacturing processes.”

In practical terms, industrial automation involves the use of sensors, actuators, programmable controllers, supervisory and control systems, and specialized software to monitor, control, and regulate industrial equipment and processes. These systems can be applied across various industrial sectors.

Industries Impacted by Automation

A wide range of economic sectors are now influenced by automation. From natural resource extraction to the delivery of finished products, numerous production chain processes can be automated.

That said, some industries have been true pioneers in automation:

  • Manufacturing;
  • Automotive;
  • Aerospace;
  • Energy;
  • Food and Beverage;
  • Mining;
  • And many others.

Industry 4.0 and Automation

Industry 4.0 is often considered the fourth industrial revolution, characterized by the integration of advanced technologies in manufacturing and production processes.

Industrial automation is virtually inseparable from Industry 4.0 as both emphasize similar concepts such as:

  • Integration of digital technologies;
  • Interconnection of systems;
  • Smart and flexible production;
  • Data analysis and decision-making based on data.

Types of Automation

Ranging from a simple belt conveyor to AI-powered welding robots, it’s important to understand that automated systems can take many forms. There are different types of automation:

Fixed Automation:

Fixed automation systems are designed to perform a single repetitive task flawlessly over a long period. Once set up, these systems may require significant modifications to perform a different task.

Ideal for high-volume, uniform production processes, fixed automation systems excel at executing routine tasks.

Programmable Automation:

Programmable automation systems are designed to perform a specific task until a predefined condition triggers the switch to another task. This type of automation is particularly useful for operations where tasks can change within a clearly defined framework.

While these systems offer some flexibility for reprogramming different tasks, changing their programming can result in significant downtime.

Flexible Automation:

Flexible automation systems can alternate between tasks, similarly to programmable automation. However, these systems have the additional advantage of self-monitoring and adjusting their operations based on measured conditions.

Intelligent control systems, which can perform multiple tasks simultaneously based on inputs from humans and/or other systems, are good examples of flexible automation.

Integrated Automation:

Integrated automation systems consist of various components networked together to function as a unit. They can incorporate all the types of automation mentioned previously—fixed, programmable, or flexible—into a larger, cohesive system.

Automate your processes and boost productivity

The Benefits of Industrial Automation

The advantages of industrial automation can vary depending on the industry and the specific processes involved. However, it is important to highlight that industrial automation generally offers a range of benefits:

Improving Production Line Efficiency:

Industrial automation has the potential to increase the productivity and efficiency of manufacturing processes. Automated machines can perform repetitive tasks at higher speeds and with consistent precision, resulting in increased production throughput.

 Additionally, many types of automated machines can operate without human intervention, allowing for continuous production 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even during holiday periods.

Reducing Production Costs:

Despite a potentially high up-front investment, automating machines generally results in savings for an industrial company, especially in terms of raw material, labor, and energy costs.

 Automated machines are especially effective in optimizing resource use and reducing waste.

Improving Overall Product Quality:

Industrial automation ensures consistent and high-quality products, as automated machines can precisely measure and control production parameters, reducing variations and defects.

 This results in better-quality finished products and greater client satisfaction.

Enhancing Workers Safety:

Industrial automation helps increase workplace ergonomics and safety. Dangerous or repetitive tasks can be delegated to machines, reducing the risk of accidents or work-related injuries for employees.

In addition, it allows for the implementation of enhanced safety measures, such as integrating sensors and safety devices into automated machines.

Reducing Uncertainty Due to Labor Shortages:

In the current economic climate, recruiting skilled and reliable workers is a challenge for many industrial businesses. The labor shortage has become a significant issue for these organizations, which struggle to maintain their production pace due to insufficient staffing.

In this context, automating industrial processes provides an effective solution to reduce dependence on the workforce and simplify human resource management.

Challenges of Industrial Process Automation

While industrial automation offers many advantages, it is important to be aware of the challenges that may come with it.


Automating a production line often means relying more heavily on computer systems. In such cases, cybersecurity should not be overlooked. Otherwise, hackers could disrupt production activities or even gain access to sensitive data or confidential information.

Human Resource Management

By definition, automation replaces human labor. Therefore, when automating a machine or a plant, some employees will see their roles redefined.

Affected workers need support to adjust smoothly to their new functions. This can be achieved through training programs, regular follow-ups with employees, and other measures.

Initial Costs

Despite their potential for long-term savings, new technological systems often require substantial up-front investments.

Increased Maintenance Needs

Although automation technology is almost always more efficient than manual labor, the systems still require regular maintenance and servicing.

As a result, implementing automated industrial machines generally necessitates the development of a preventive maintenance program and the availability of qualified personnel to upkeep the systems.

How to Choose an Automation Supplier?

The success of an industrial automation project largely depends on the choice of the company entrusted with the task.

In fact, to ensure the outcome meets client expectations, it is crucial to take all necessary steps to find an automation supplier that meets these specific criteria:

  • Expertise and reputation
  • Comprehensive and customized service offerings
  • Innovation and scalability
  • Reliability and quality
  • Compliance
  • After-sales service

A company that meets all these criteria will not only be able to deliver a reliable and efficient solution tailored to its client’s specific needs, but also do so within budget and on schedule. Here’s why:

Expertise and Reputation

Finding a supplier with a solid track record in industrial automation and proven expertise in implementing solutions tailored to the client’s industry sector is essential.

In other words, working with a company that has completed similar projects helps eliminate uncertainty and ensures a better understanding of specific constraints and challenges.

Comprehensive and Personalized Service Offerings

It’s important to evaluate the range of services offered by each potential supplier. The more tools they have in their toolbox, the fewer external parties will be involved, ensuring cohesion and optimal coordination.

For an automation project, it’s beneficial to choose a partner who, in addition to their automation services, also offers other services such as:

Innovation and Scalability

Choose a supplier who is committed to investing in innovation to develop strategies that incorporate the latest technologies. This is one of the keys to standing out from competitors. They should also offer scalable solutions to meet their clients’ future needs.

This way, new functionalities can be integrated as objectives change.

Reliability and Quality

The quality of mechanical and computer components significantly affects the reliability of machines. The same goes for the quality of the work done by the professionals who design, manufacture, and install them.

Therefore, it is recommended to look for suppliers who work with high-quality products.


It is essential to ensure that the products and solutions offered by the supplier comply with the standards and regulations relevant to the client, particularly in terms of safety and quality.

In the Quebec and Canadian industrial sectors, a number of accreditations and certifications are guarantees of compliance. Here are a few examples:

  • ISN;
  • Cognibox;
  • CGP.

After-Sales Service

Good technical support is crucial for quickly resolving issues and ensuring the continuous operation of automated systems. It is also necessary to verify if the supplier offers professional and responsive customer service.

Training Programs Related to Industrial Automation

In Quebec, several different academic programs can lead to a career in industrial automation.

Here are some of the relevant educational programs in this field:

  • Electromechanics of Automated Systems (DVS);
  • Industrial Construction and Maintenance Mechanics (DVS);
  • Instrumentation, Automation, and Robotics (ACS);
  • Electrical Engineering Technology: Automation and Control (DCS);
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology (DCS);
  • Industrial Maintenance Technology (DCS);
  • Industrial Electronics Technology (DCS);
  • Industrial Automation (Certificate);
  • Electrical Engineering (Bachelor’s Degree);
  • Computer Engineering (Bachelor’s Degree);
  • Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor’s Degree).

Profit from the Best Support for Your Industrial Automation Project

In conclusion, industrial automation is a fascinating and broad topic that can intrigue both entrepreneurs and students.

But if you belong to the first group, you might be looking for the best industrial automation service. If so, do not hesitate to contact Omnifab.

As leaders in engineering and mechanical manufacturing, we offer a comprehensive range of services that encompass all the skills needed to automate an industrial process or an entire production line. We provide a turnkey solution that includes all stages, from design and manufacturing to installation.

Join our team!